OMR Reviews • 4,8 ★
Digital interface of Workist's software showing an order entry form alongside an order summary document. The left side displays the order details including client information, delivery address, invoice address, item descriptions, quantities, and prices. The right side features an interactive form with fields for client number, name, address, contact information, delivery date, and item details. The interface highlights an organized and efficient system for processing and tracking orders.

100+ industry leaders trust Workist

lower error rate
time savings
>3 Mio
successfully processed documents

Accurate order processing in record time

Workist streamlines purchase order processing and management within a single software solution, enhancing workflow speed and improving accuracy.
Save time through automated order management

Manual data entry is a thing of the past. Workist automates your order management with AI, completes order processing in seconds and gives you time back for more important tasks. You save up to 90 per cent of the time previously spent on manual data processing.

Reduce transfer errors

Incorrect orders not only waste time but also incur costs. With Workist, every document is automatically checked and validated, ensuring you can rely on accurate data. Say goodbye to double-checks, mismatched data, and incomplete information.

Accurate data

Reliable and clean data is the basis for efficient order management processes. Workist ensures that every order is processed correctly. AI improves with each processed document, delivering consistent and accurate data.

Increase productivity

Automation isn't just about efficiency; it also allows your team to focus more on strategic tasks. Workist streamlines processes, boosting productivity in your organization.

Scale sustainably

No matter how many documents your company processes—whether it's 10 or 10,000 orders—Workist scales with you, staying fast and accurate.

Automated order management that transforms the way you process documents

Is your sales team tired of manual order management? With Workist, everything operates faster, more accurately, and more effectively—resulting in streamlined processes, fewer errors, and exceptional customer satisfaction.
 Intuitive document understanding

Our AI understands your documents as intuitively as a human—regardless of language, layout, or structure. With over 3 million processed jobs, Workist delivers the highest accuracy without any prior training.

Illustration der Workist-Software, die drei digitale Dokumente zeigt. Jedes Dokument enthält Unternehmensdaten, Rechnungsadresse und Positionen. Ein stilisiertes Maskottchen oder Symbol von Workist befindet sich rechts neben den Dokumenten, hält ein Buch und eine Lupe, und zeigt auf einen Bereich mit der Beschriftung "Analysieren...". Die Abbildung verdeutlicht den Analyseprozess und die Bearbeitung von Geschäftsdokumenten durch die Software.
Reliable processing

Workist order processing software automatically extracts all relevant data and compares it with your master data in real time. This prevents incorrect transfers to your ERP system and ensures correct and smooth processing of all orders.

Illustration depicting Workist's master data validation feature. The central image shows a document with different data fields, some marked with a green checkmark indicating successful validation, while one field marked "123" has an orange warning icon. The Workist mascot is on the left, looking puzzled with a question mark above its head. An arrow from the document to an ERP system icon on the right shows that the data transfer to the ERP system is interrupted with an "X" indicating a validation issue. This visual highlights the feature of verifying document data against master data to ensure accuracy before integration into the ERP system.
Human oversight

Where automation reaches its limits, humans step in: Workist combines automation with targeted human feedback for maximum reliability. Our AI learns from every interaction.

Abbildung der Workist-Softwareoberfläche, die das "Human in the Loop"-Feature zeigt. Links wird ein Dokument mit Artikeldetails angezeigt. Rechts zeigt die Softwareoberfläche Felder für Artikelnummer, Artikelbeschreibung, Menge und Einheit. Die Artikelnummer 123 ist hervorgehoben mit einem Hinweis, dass sie mit einer Konfidenz von 100% durch das Suchen nach der Nummer AB445 und der Beschreibung "Construction bricks" in den Stammdaten gefunden wurde. Ein Cursor-Symbol zeigt die menschliche Intervention zur Überprüfung oder Korrektur der Daten, wenn die KI unsicher ist. Diese Abbildung verdeutlicht die Zusammenarbeit zwischen KI und menschlicher Überprüfung im Datenextraktionsprozess.
Continuous learning

Thanks to machine learning, our order processing software improves with every use: AI adapts to your needs, learns your specific data, and even understands customer-specific item numbers. This enables it to tackle even the most complex challenges.

Abbildung der Workist-Software, die den Lerneffekt des maschinellen Lernens zeigt. Links oben ist ein Formular mit einem Fehler in der Artikelnummer markiert. Rechts unten zeigt das korrigierte Formular, dass die Artikelnummer 123 automatisch durch maschinelles Lernen mit einer Konfidenz von 98% korrigiert wurde. Ein stilisiertes Maskottchen verbindet die beiden Formulare und verdeutlicht die automatische Fehlerkorrektur. Diese Illustration betont die Fähigkeit der Software, durch maschinelles Lernen aus früheren Korrekturen zu lernen.
Seamless integration

Whether you’re using SAP, Oracle, or other systems—Workist is highly compatible and can be easily integrated into any system landscape, regardless of the ERP system or document file formats.

Explore integrations
Illustration of Workist's software showcasing seamless integration with various systems. The central Workist logo is surrounded by icons representing different document formats, such as PDF, and languages including English, German, Spanish, and French. Outer hexagonal layers feature logos of major software systems like Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, and Sage. This illustration emphasizes the capability of Workist's software to seamlessly integrate with multiple platforms and handle various document types and languages efficiently.

Lightning-fast and accurate order processing

Type less, automate easily. That's how it works with Workist.
Step 1

Forward to Workist

You simply forward your documents to Workist - whether PDF, Excel or free text emails. Our software can process a wide range of formats.

Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Step 2

Etract the data

Workist understands your documents intuitively and automatically extracts all relevant data - regardless of language or l

Illustration of the Workist software analyzing a digital document containing company data, billing address, and line items. The Workist mascot or symbol is positioned to the right of the document, pointing towards a section labeled "Analyzing...". This image illustrates the process of business document analysis by the Workist software.
Step 3

Validate the data

All information that Workist extracts from your order documents is validated by the AI using your master data. This is how we guarantee error-free extraction.

Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Step 4

Transfer to your ERP System

In the final step, the read and validated data can be easily transferred to any ERP system via standard interfaces such as EDI or API

Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, Oracle, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.
Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Illustration der Workist-Software mit einem digitalen Dokument, das Unternehmensdaten, Rechnungsadresse und Positionen enthält. Ein stilisiertes Maskottchen oder Symbol von Workist befindet sich rechts neben dem Dokument und zeigt auf einen Bereich mit der Beschriftung "Analysieren...". Die Abbildung verdeutlicht den Analyseprozess von Geschäftsdokumenten durch die Software.
Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, Oracle, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.

“Workist has transformed our day-to-day work in order entry. Suddenly, the team has time to focus on other, more challenging and value-adding tasks. We now have the ability to concentrate on things for which there was no room in the past.”

Hans Peter Härle

Head of IT, Brennenstuhl

How our order processing software works in practice

See how other companies have transformed their purchase order management using our order processing software.

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Transform the future of your order processing with Workist—efficient, reliable, and automated.
OMR Reviews • 4,8 ★