Digital interface of Workist's software showing an order entry form alongside an order summary document. The left side displays the order details including client information, delivery address, invoice address, item descriptions, quantities, and prices. The right side features an interactive form with fields for client number, name, address, contact information, delivery date, and item details. The interface highlights an organized and efficient system for processing and tracking orders.

100+ industry leaders trust Workist

lower error rate
time savings
>3 Mio
successfully processed documents

AI software instead of typing.

Workist makes your order entry effortless.

End-to-end automation

The Workist software independently extracts, validates and transfers all relevant data from your order documents. It covers the entire order entry process efficiently and precisely - from the incoming order to the order created in the ERP system. This massively reduces the costs and time required for order entry.

Illustration showing the end-to-end automation feature of Workist. The central hexagonal shape contains the Workist logo, with various document icons (PDF, email, scanned documents) entering from the left, symbolizing different document types. The Workist mascot is seen analyzing a PDF document, and arrows point towards an icon representing a database, indicating the data is processed and transferred into various ERP systems, such as SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, and others listed on the right. This visual emphasizes the seamless automation of document handling from input to integration with ERP systems.
Abbildung der Workist-Software, die den Lerneffekt durch maschinelles Lernen zeigt. Oben ist der Schritt "1. Extraktion" dargestellt, bei dem eine Position mit der Nummer ACC-12345 und der Beschreibung "Sanitärrohre - PVC, 2 Meter" extrahiert wurde. In der Mitte zeigt der Schritt "User-Korrektur", dass ein Benutzer die Nummer auf 12345 korrigiert. Unten ist der Schritt "2. Extraktion" dargestellt, bei dem die korrigierte Nummer 12345 und die Beschreibung automatisch übernommen wurden. Diese Abbildung verdeutlicht, wie die Software aus Benutzereingaben lernt und diese Korrekturen in zukünftigen Extraktionen berücksichtigt.

Continuous improvement

Our software evolves with your individual customer data. If the AI does not know whether a data extraction is correct, your team provides manual feedback. The AI learns from this and can correct the input itself in the future.

Seamless integration

Thanks to state-of-the-art EDI technology, Workist can be connected to all common ERP systems. In addition, layouts, file formats or language are irrelevant - the software works and can be seamlessly integrated into any system landscape.

Illustration of Workist's software capabilities, showing the integration of various document formats and languages into ERP systems. At the top, icons represent languages such as German, English, Spanish, and French. In the center, three document icons are displayed: XML, PDF, and email. At the bottom, logos of ERP systems like SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, abas ERP, and Infor are shown. This image highlights Workist's ability to handle multiple document formats and languages while integrating seamlessly with different ERP systems.
Abbildung der Workist-Software, die den Stammdatenabgleich zeigt. Oben ist eine Position mit der Nummer 33433, der Beschreibung "Insulation Rolls - Fiberglass, R-15", der Menge 126 und dem Einzelpreis 1,5 dargestellt. Unten zeigt eine Tabelle mit Stammdaten, dass die korrekte ID 11211 ist, mit der gleichen Beschreibung und dem gleichen Einzelpreis. Ein grüner Pfeil verbindet die falsche Nummer oben mit der korrekten Nummer in den Stammdaten. Diese Abbildung verdeutlicht den Prozess des Stammdatenabgleichs zur Identifizierung und Korrektur von Fehlern in den Positionsdaten.

Precise capture thanks to validation

To ensure that your data is captured accurately, our software performs a validation for each document. To do this, it matches the recognized data points with your master data. If the AI is unsure, for example because an article number is missing, it asks your team for help, which reviews the case in just a few clicks. The AI learns from your input and can correct the errors itself in the future.

The advantages of Workist's order entry software at a glance

Intuitive user interface

The Workist software is intuitive to use and integrates seamlessly into your workflows - right from day one.

Order entry automation

Capture order data automatically with speed and precision. A few clicks replace endless typing, letting your sales team scale effortlessly.

Faster order processing

Our AI processes every order immediately so that order processing takes significantly less time overall.

Lightning-fast setup

Our software solution is ready for use in just 2 days - thanks to the plug-and-play approach without prior training or extensive IT projects.

Simple integration

Workist integrates seamlessly into existing processes. The software works independently of the ERP system, file format, document layout or language.

Error-free orders

Workist validates all extracted data against your master data. This ensures that only correct data is transferred to the ERP system.

More time for customer service

Give your team valuable time to focus on customers, strengthening relationships for lasting success.

“Before Workist, we were dealing with an order backlog of 300 unprocessed documents. We had a solution in place, however it was static, and needed constant quality assurance; there were always errors to review.”

Project Manager IT


With little effort to automated order entry systems

From data extraction to ERP integration: Order entry automation made simple
Step 1

Forward to Workist

Incoming documents are simply being forwarded to Workist. Workist's AI software can process a variety of formats (PDFs, Excel files, and plain-text emails).

Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Step 2

Extract the data

Our system extracts all relevant data from your documents by recognizing patterns and layouts.

Illustration of the Workist software analyzing a digital document containing company data, billing address, and line items. The Workist mascot or symbol is positioned to the right of the document, pointing towards a section labeled "Analyzing...". This image illustrates the process of business document analysis by the Workist software.
Step 3

Validate the data

Workist validates the captured information from your documents with your master data – to guarantee accurate extraction.

Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Step 4

Transfer to your ERP system

Workist easily transfers data output to any ERP or CRM system through standard connections like EDI or API.

Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.
Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Illustration of the Workist software analyzing a digital document containing company data, billing address, and line items. The Workist mascot or symbol is positioned to the right of the document, pointing towards a section labeled "Analyzing...". This image illustrates the process of business document analysis by the Workist software.
Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.

Software functional in 2 days

No extensive IT project necessary: thanks to state-of-the-art EDI technology and our plug-and-play approach, you can integrate Workist seamlessly into all common ERP systems. Direct, fast and uncomplicated
Set up document transfer

Whether simple e-mail forwarding or automatic workflow - Workist is now your central interface for all documents.

Create master data export

Workist uses master data to validate, automatically correct and complete incoming documents. To do this, we regularly need up-to-date data. Simply set up an export job in the ERP to provide Workist with a CSV. Alternatively, you can use the Workist API directly.

Configure results import

Workist provides the results as XML or directly via API. You can retrieve the result from an SFTP server and/or import it into the ERP system via EDI or API interfaces. You can also use a workflow to retrieve the original document for archiving.

Explore integrations
Illustration depicting step 1 of the Workist technical implementation: setting up document transfer. On the left, an icon of a factory represents the origin of documents. Below the factory, icons show various document types, including images, emails, and calculators, all leading to a PDF icon. Arrows from the PDF icon point to a stylized Workist mascot on the right, holding a data cube, indicating Workist as the central interface for document processing.Illustration depicting step 2 of the Workist technical implementation: creating master data export. In the center, a stylized Workist mascot is shown holding a data cube and reading a document. Surrounding the mascot are icons representing various ERP systems, including Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, Infor, proALPHA, and abas ERP. Arrows point from each ERP system towards the mascot, indicating the creation and centralization of master data exports from these systems into Workist.Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.

Order entry software that our customers love

Learn how over 100 industry leaders have revolutionized their workflows with our end-to-end order entry software. Workist frees up time for essential tasks and delivers faster processes, enhanced customer experiences, and scalable growth.

Take action now

Say goodbye to manually processing customer orders. Get software support from Workist and automate your order entry with AI.
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