Illustration of Workist's software features with a transparent background. A stylized mascot is at the center, surrounded by various feature labels: "Human-in-the-loop interface," "AI document understanding," "ERP master data sync," "Two-way matching," "Implicit learning," "Variants configuration," and "Seamless integration." This graphic highlights the key features of Workist's software, emphasizing its capabilities in document processing and integration.

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End-to-end automation

We don't just want to be part of the solution. That's why Workist solves document processing with one holistic workflow: from the receipt of documents in the e-mail inbox to the created order in the ERP system.

Illustration showing the end-to-end automation feature of Workist. The central hexagonal shape contains the Workist logo, with various document icons (PDF, email, scanned documents) entering from the left, symbolizing different document types. The Workist mascot is seen analyzing a PDF document, and arrows point towards an icon representing a database, indicating the data is processed and transferred into various ERP systems, such as SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, and others listed on the right. This visual emphasizes the seamless automation of document handling from input to integration with ERP systems.
Illustration of Workist's software showcasing seamless integration with various systems. The central Workist logo is surrounded by icons representing different document formats, such as PDF, and languages including English, German, Spanish, and French. Outer hexagonal layers feature logos of major software systems like Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, and Sage. This illustration emphasizes the capability of Workist's software to seamlessly integrate with multiple platforms and handle various document types and languages efficiently.

Seamless integration

Automation starts with integration! With Workist, you don't have to worry about compatibility - our solution can be seamlessly integrated into any system landscape. Regardless of the ERP system used or the file formats of the documents.

Your newest team member is called Worki

Worki is the AI behind Workist. Here you can find out what she's got up her sleeve.
Intuitive document understanding

Incoming documents tend to differ greatly in terms of layout and language. No problem for Worki: thanks to over 3 million successfully processed documents, our AI is able to interpret over 60 languages and an infinite number of layouts intuitively like a human - without any prior training required.

Illustration of the Workist software showing three digital documents. Each document contains company info, billing address, and line items. A stylized mascot or symbol of Workist is positioned to the right of the documents, holding a book and a magnifying glass, pointing to an area labeled "Analyzing...". The illustration emphasizes the analysis and processing of business documents by the software.
Precise capture through validation

To ensure that your data is captured accurately, our software performs a validation for each document. To do this, it matches the recognized data points with your master data.

Illustration depicting Workist's master data validation feature. The central image shows a document with different data fields, some marked with a green checkmark indicating successful validation, while one field marked "123" has an orange warning icon. The Workist mascot is on the left, looking puzzled with a question mark above its head. An arrow from the document to an ERP system icon on the right shows that the data transfer to the ERP system is interrupted with an "X" indicating a validation issue. This visual highlights the feature of verifying document data against master data to ensure accuracy before integration into the ERP system.
Human in the Loop

Should any uncertainties arise during validation, Worki simply asks for human assistance. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, even difficult cases are processed as quickly as possible in just a few clicks. In this way, we combine maximum automation with maximum security.

Illustration of Workist's software interface demonstrating the "human in the loop" feature. On the left, a document with item details is displayed. On the right, the software interface shows fields for item number, article description, quantity, and unit. The item number 123 is highlighted with a note that it was found with a confidence of 60% by searching for the number AB445 and the description "Construction bricks" in the master data. A cursor icon indicates human intervention to verify or correct the data when the AI is uncertain. This illustrates the collaboration between AI and human oversight in the data extraction process.
Continuous learning

Thanks to its distinctive learning ability, Worki familiarizes itself with your individual data and thus masters even the most complex challenges. Machine learning makes it possible, for example, to learn customer-specific article numbers or automatically add missing article numbers.

Illustration of the Workist software showing the learning effect of machine learning. At the top left, a form with an error in the article number is marked. At the bottom right, the corrected form shows that the article number 123 was automatically corrected by machine learning with a confidence of 98%. A stylized mascot connects the two forms and illustrates the automatic error correction. This illustration emphasizes the software's ability to learn from previous corrections through machine learning.
Variant configuration

In the world of business documents, product variants and customizations are everywhere. That's why Workist supports even complex variant configurations with ease.

Illustration of the Workist software showing how variant configurations can be processed. The focus is on a yellow cotton T-shirt (XL), item 3 with article number ACC-12345, quantity 20 pieces and price €7.00. The software highlights the item characteristics "item color" and "item size" by extracting this information from the document and inserting it into the interactive form on the right-hand side. This illustration shows the variant configuration feature in the software.
Matching with order data (add-on)

Worki carries out a thorough check and compares the read-out data from order confirmations or invoices with the corresponding order in the ERP system. This allows deviations in quantity, price or delivery date, for example, to be recognized more quickly.

“Workist’s tool stands out because it produces very good results very quickly, regardless of the format of the document.”

Stefan Underwood

Head of Logistics, Contorion

All documents. One AI.

Whether sales or procurement - discover the versatility of our solutions.

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Workist makes SMEs fit for the future. We help you to transform your document processing and make your processes - and therefore your company - digital and future-proof. This allows you to focus on your core business again and gives your teams more time for success-relevant tasks, growth initiatives and innovation.